San Francisco Architects: Top Bay Area Studios.
ed. Francesc Zamora Mola
booq publishingg, S.L., 2019
One & Co, Hill House, Teaberry
Designing for Disaster: Domestic Architecture in an Era of Climate Change. ed. Boyce Thompson
Schiffer Publishing, Ltd., 2019
Office II: Creative & Modern. ed. Kara Zheng.
HI-Design Publishing, 2013
One & Co
WORKShop - creative commercial space + concept,
Vol 01, Choi's Gallery, 2011
One & Co
Top Office. ed. X. Lee. Phoenix Pub & Media, Inc., 2011
One & Co
Thought in Space . ed. Jenny Mong. DVIP, 2010
One & Co
Houses DesignSource . ed. Aitana Lleonart.
Collins Design/LOFT Publications, 2009
Ridge House
Collection: US Architecture. ed. M.Gallindo. Braun, 2009
Eureka Valley Residence
Design Ideas for Bathrooms. ed. Susan Hillstrom. Creative Homeowner, 2009
Liberty Street Residence, Willard Street Residence
150 Best New House Ideas . ed. B.Vranckx.
Collins Design/LOFT Publications, 2008
Eureka Valley Residence
1000X Architecture of the Americas. Fusion Pub., 2008
Liberty Street Residence
Architecture of the San Francisco Bay Area: A History and Guide.
Mitchell Schwarzer. William Stout Publishers, 2007
Choy Residence 1, Ridge House
Big Ideas for Small Spaces.
David Lansing and JoAnne Liebeler. Sunset Books, 2006
Choy Residence 2
City Interiors. LOFT Publications, 2005
Choy Residence 1
San Francisco Houses. TeNeus, 2003
Choy Residence 1, Eureka Valley Residence
Simple Solutions: Kitchens. ed. Coleen Cahill, 2002 Friedman/Fairfax, Bruehl Residence